It’s a game that joins gut-beating speed and to the point of being indistinguishable destruction to make street murder out of all others in the driving sort. The objective of Crash mode is to make the biggest measure of money-related harm in a multi-vehicle impact at an intersection brimming with traffic. Street Rage is another game mode wherein the player must accomplish a specific number of Takedowns in a preset time limit or before their vehicle is totaled. Between a race, help, which is earned by demonstrations of foolhardy driving, for example, close to misses with traffic, floating around corners, and driving in approaching paths, can be utilized to quickly expand a vehicle’s speed. The Single Race mode sets the player against five AI adversaries in a solitary or numerous lap race. The gameplay of Burnout 3: Takedown highlights standard circuit races which occur on carriageways and city avenues populated with traffic In addition to 'Career' the game provides modes of collective game (by splitting the screen - Split screen) and playing through the Internet.Burnout 3: Takedown is a one computer game this is arcade-style interactivity that stresses hazardous and quick-paced driving. In general 'Acceleration' can be lost with any breakdown of the car and get for example for 'knocking out' the opponent (s) from the track. A small mistake can lead to a car crash and loss of 'Boost' - a bonus for the aggressive driving style in the race (in its action resembles nitrous oxide). For example in the mountains there is an opportunity to fly (in the literal sense of the word) by car through the gorge. The developers carefully literally to the smallest detail thought out every route there are multi-level interchanges sharp turns narrow arches and many bypasses often with special 'trampolines' and quite dangerous. Racing competitions are held in the streets of the cities of the United States Europe and the Far East. The action takes place on two continents in Eurasia and North America.

In total the game is available 78 cars (not counting the two hidden). The occupied prize-winning place opens access to new competitions and cars (for 'Racing' faster cars are opened and for 'Accidents' - more massive). Award for the successful completion of each competition - a bronze silver or gold medal (depending on the result).

Races in turn are divided into subspecies. 'Career' Burnout Revenge divided into 10 rating steps consists of two types of competitions 'Racing' and 'Accident' (total - 169 stages).